Come alive after trauma through connecting with your nervous system

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Living with trauma makes it hard to feel like we’re really, actually living…

We don’t feel like ourselves, we struggle to feel connected to others,

and our world gets smaller and smaller as anxiety, overwhelm, and shutdown limit what we’re able to do.

What we really want is to feel ALIVE again…

We want to feel MORE FULLY, VIBRANTLY, COMFORTABLY US, so we can be present for life the way we deeply want, have the experiences our heart longs for, and take the risks that make life worth living.

But when so much of our energy is spent just getting by, it’s hard to see a path from here to there.

When we’re desperate to feel better, of course we’d wish there could be a quick fix, even if we know shortcuts don’t cut it when it comes to healing trauma.


“Through ATTUNE, I've learned that my nervous system requires self compassion, acknowledgement, and resources that I have available to me in order to begin to really heal and regulate; that my anxiety and panic are not all-or-nothing states—that there is a continuum of signs and signals that my body communicates that more safety and connection is needed, if I am willing to pause and listen; and at a very important, basic level, that I do not need to fear connecting deeply with what I am feeling, and where I am feeling it, physically, in my body. Kristen is exceptionally accessible, compassionate, and gentle with these powerful lessons. As someone who has spent many years in and out of talk therapy, EMDR, parts work and other somatic therapies, I can say that this course held the key to unlocking what it means to truly begin to heal from trauma.”

~ Julia Bacon, ATTUNE participant

Come alive after trauma through connecting with your nervous system

* nine weeks of live class on Zoom
direct contact with me for feedback + support
class recordings within 24 hours if you’re unable to attend live
private online course community for connection + coregulation
course workbook and class notes for practice + integration

Hi there! I’m Kristen

I studied and explored the body and nervous system for years before I began to understand my nervous system in a way that could help me heal from complex trauma. Learning polyvagal theory shifted my entire perspective on why I struggled so much, and showed me real possibilities for getting unstuck. I’d love to help the same happen for you. 

I know how empowering the science of safety and survival can be, but I also know that real transformation requires understanding the ways we embody that science everyday. When we listen to the wisdom of our nervous system and how it helps us survive, we can begin to step into our full aliveness beyond the trauma we’ve suffered. If you know your nervous system is key to healing and you want to dive in, I hope you’ll join me in ATTUNE. And if you’d like to learn more about my training and experience, please take a look here.

Come alive after trauma through connecting with your nervous system

Join me to grow the resilience your body is already wired for.

Add your name to my mailing list so you don’t miss the details when registration opens!

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