What might happen if you could have…

more steadiness in your nervous system…

more support in your body…

more compassion for yourself



Whether you’re doing the long-haul work of trauma healing
or just trying to get through a tough time,

you need SIMPLE TOOLS you can reach for anytime, anywhere, everyday.

And to move out of survival and grow your resilience,

you need moments of SAFETY YOU CAN FEEL—repeatedly, over time, because that’s how our nervous system learns best.

You’re not supposed to be able to do this all on your own.

It can help so much to have some gentle guidance from another human who cares, encouraging and reminding you to come back to yourself and your body, day after day.

No rush, no pressure, going at the pace your nervous system needs.

  • Start when you're ready, go at the pace you need

    Explore one new practice a day for 30 days, or move through at a different pace that’s right for you. Opt-in to daily reminders if you want gentle support for staying on track!

  • Somatic, mindful, compassionate tools

    30 different guided practices of touch, movement, sensory awareness, mindfulness, and self-compassion to help you shift from survival energy into a state of greater safety.

  • Short and sweet

    Each audio and video practice is simple and brief enough to incorporate through your day, but impactful enough to support new neural pathways for greater regulation and resilience over time.


  • Safer Everyday is a self-paced course that includes 30 online audio and video practices for cultivating embodied safety and supporting nervous system regulation—giving you the ability to explore 1 new practice a day for a full month, without repetition.

    All content is available from time of purchase (as opposed to being “dripped,”) and your access doesn’t expire; you can start with Day 1 right away, or you can wait to begin whenever you’re ready. If you’d like daily email reminders to support you in moving through the course 1 practice/day for 30 days, just click the link provided in your welcome email when you want that to start!

  • Absolutely not, you have as long as you need. Your access to Safer Everyday doesn’t expire, so you can explore and complete the course on your own timeline without feeling pressured or rushed. You can also revisit/repeat any of the practices whenever you like, in any order you choose.

    Since our nervous systems benefit greatly from small amounts of regular, consistent care, I strongly encourage you to try doing one practice a day for one whole month so you can give yourself that experience and see what it’s like! I also totally support you in finding a frequency and duration that suits you better if need be—the practices will be beneficial either way :)

  • Due to the digital nature and delivery method of the course, refunds aren’t available.

  • I’m happy to try! Reach out via email if you’d like to ask me something else about the course.

Hey there, I’m Kristen, and I created Safer Everyday to give you and your body a regular rhythm of somatic tools to help you cultivate more embodied safety one day at a time. Whether you need some help getting through a tough season, or you’re wanting to start to give your nervous system the steady support it needs to really heal, the practices in Safer Everyday can help your body and mind to experience more regulated ease through compassionate, consistent, body-based care. I hope you’ll allow me to companion you through these simple but powerful practices, so you don’t have to do self-care all by yourself.


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